Rhetoric To Rethink Communications

Your Communication Is Missing Something

Ancient rhetoric doesn’t mean it is outdated for a modern workplace. In today’s age of ever-evolving technology, more and more communication is taking place in the workplace than ever before. But despite the ease of delivering messages to co-workers, managers, and colleagues, many find that miscommunication often leads to conflict and misunderstandings.

Ancient Rhetoric With A Modern Twist

The ancient rhetoricians knew that our communication relyied on logic, and emotion, and credibility. In this blog post, I will show how utilizing the ancient art of rhetoric can help restore logic, emotion, and credibility in our messages to better communicate with those around us. From understanding the principles behind logos, pathos, and ethos to applying them in a modern context, we’ll discuss why using these tools for effective communication and avoiding workplace conflict is essential.

The Pillars Of Communication

📘 Logos, Pathos, and Ethos are three seminal concepts in public speaking and interpersonal communication. They constitute the pillars of persuasive communication and rhetoric. Recognizing and incorporating these three modes of persuasion can significantly improve communication skills, both in written and verbal forms.

Logos: Otherwise Known As Logic

🔍 Logos, from the Greek word for “word,” signifies the use of logical reasoning, evidence, and concrete facts to bolster a point. It hinges on the use of data analysis and critical thinking to draw valid conclusions. Aristotle, the philosopher who introduced these concepts, believed that logical argumentation should be the cornerstone of persuasive discourse [1]. Logos is a key component of debates, persuasive speeches, and argumentative essays. It structures our viewpoints in an organized, comprehensible manner, enhancing the persuasiveness of our communication [2].

Pathos: Otherwise Known As Emotion

😢 Pathos, from the Greek word for “experience” or “suffering,” signifies the use of emotional appeals in communication. It involves invoking empathy and connecting with the audience’s feelings to make the message more compelling. Pathos can trigger various emotional responses, like sympathy, understanding, anger, or joy, fostering a deeper bond between the message and the listener. Neuroscience research has shown that emotional reactions strongly influence decision-making processes, demonstrating the power of pathos [3].

Ethos: Otherwise Known As Credibility

🏅 Ethos, from the Greek word for “character,” involves employing credibility and trustworthiness to foster confidence in the audience. It encompasses conveying honesty, integrity, and expertise, amplifying the impact of the message in the listeners’ eyes. This element of persuasion is particularly crucial in public speaking and interpersonal communication, as it forges a trustful rapport between the communicators [4].

💡In conclusion, using logic (logos), emotion (pathos) and credibility (ethos) in your workplace communication is essential to prevent unnecessary misunderstanding and conflict. Through use of effective communication strategies, you can create more impactful messages that will be taken seriously and better understood by your colleagues.

Furthermore, if you are looking to strengthen your communication skills, try to increase awareness of these three elements when constructing a message. You could begin by evaluating areas where you are missing on logic, emotion, or credibility – which can then be used to refine the way you communicate with others. Finding the right balance between these three components in your workplace communication can ultimately lead to more successful conversations with your teammates.

For more blogs on rhetoric, make sure to check out these resources.

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1. Aristotelian Rhetoric. (2021). Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

2. Rieke, R. D., Sillars, M. O., & Peterson, T. R. (1984). Argumentation and critical decision making.

3. Immordino-Yang, M. H., & Damasio, A. (2007). We feel, therefore we learn: The relevance of affective and social neuroscience to education.

4. McCroskey, J. C. (1997). Ethos, logos, pathos. Communication & Theater Association of Minnesota Journal.

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